Sprout, protector and vasodilator
Sprout, protector and vasodilator
Formulated systemic with a vasodilator effect, which increases the flow of sap, allowing better mobilization of nutrients and water that reach the apical areas, promoting the development of latent buds that differ in new vegetative mass and flower, thus improving fertility and subsequent fruit set. Facilitates the exit of winter stops.

Way of action:
The application of AMVROS activates a metabolic cascade related to the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites that triggers the defensive response of the plant against external agents. The implementation of systemic resistance causes the plant to generate repellent aromatic compounds, in addition to strengthening the cell wall, reducing the incidence of diseases thanks to this plant vaccine.
It stimulates the regeneration of vascular tissue (xylem and phloem), helping the plant to recover from brown spots, necrosis and mottling of young leaves and fruits of little size.