Biostimulant for the natural coloring of fruits, which activates the biosynthesis of carotenoids and anthocyanins.
Natural plant biostimulant for fruit coloring which activates the biosynthesis of carotenoids and anthocyanins
Biostimulant of fruit coloring based on substances that are found naturally in all plants and intervene in different physiological processes such as fruit ripening.
It stimulates the natural development of color without producing softening or early senescence of the fruit.
It is an emulsifiable liquid formulation prepared to be used with conventional spraying equipment, from the beginning of the color change of the fruit until shortly before harvest, allowing the number of harvest passes to be reduced.

It acts in the coloring processes:
→ increasing the endogenous levels of oxilipinas and stimulating the natural production of ethylene.
→ activating the enzymes related to the synthesis of anthocyanins and carotenoids
In addition, the application of colorsave in the ripening phase of the fruits causes an increase in lignin in the cell wall, as well as an increase in antioxidants and flavonoids, and volatile compounds responsible for the aroma of the fruit, which justifies an improvement in the quality of the fruit.
As it favors the coloring of the fruits, it is an alternative to other regulators, since they do not create metabolic problems in the plants, such as foliar deformations or early senescence, nor does it imply a significant advance in the ripening cycle, which could cause problems such as softening. , etc. and, ultimately, loss of quality.

Advantages and benefits
Improves coloration
colorsave contains the same natural substances that fruits produce for color development, which results in a more uniform and natural looking color, without negatively affecting the quality of the fruit.
Better harvest scheduling and estimation
The main objective of colorsave is to standardize color development and match physiological maturity with the maximum colored surface area.
Dose and time of application in table grapes
(Crimson seedless, Flame seedless and Red Globe)
Perform three foliar applications at a rate of 3 liters per hectare, being:
→ the first application with bunches with 30% colored surface
→ the second application 7 days after the first
→ the third application 7 days after the second

Results 7 days after 3rd application

Evolution of bunches with> 80% colored surface
Efficacy test on Crimson Seedless table grape
Year: 2016
Crop: Table grape
Variety: Crimson
Colorsave® dose: 3 L / ha
Form of application: foliar
No. of applications: 3
Frequency: every 7 days.
Chemical treatment: ethylene
Spray volume: 1000 l / ha
A. 1st application (07-27-2016): 10% veraison (color break)
B. 2nd application (03-08-2016)
C. 3rd application (08-10-2016)